Starting your own online business is a big wish for many people! In fact, the possibilities in the digital age are almost limitless. Via the Internet you are always available for your customers and can earn money around the clock. Often, people start an online...
Our new How-To article explains how the predictions feature works and what information you get. With version 1.90 this feature is now available. You can find the prediction in the detail view of each key figure. Benefit Our goal was to develop a tool that shows you if...
More and more people feel the great desire for professional independence. Being your own boss, flexible working hours and lots of variety are some of the many advantages of self-employment. But in order to enjoy these advantages in the long run, you have to reach...
One of the most popular ways to achieve financial freedom is through dividends. There’s a good reason for that, too. Dividends are a very convenient and steady way to earn passive income. No shares of stock have to be sold for this, but one benefits from the...
Today we want to show you how to quickly and easily create tasks or ideas related to your goals. These short entries that you can store with your goal are what we call reminders. The Reminders feature is available now with version 1.6. Reminders on iOS Our goal with...