How it works
One app for all your goals! Create goals and set up individual metrics. You decide where the data you need comes from. Track your goals fully automated without additional effort by linking existing data sources like Google Sheets, Excel or Numbers documents.
VINIS shows you where you are at any time and how your progress is developing.

Achieve goals with technology!
Use your smartphone and
Apple Watch to stay on top
of your goals.
Track the progress of
your goals at any time
based on key figures.
Construction kit
Create goals and
key figures and customize
them any way you want.
Flexible data source
Use any data sources
for fully automated
goal tracking.

- Custom goals
- Goal templates
In order to achieve goals, they need to be recorded and defined in advance.
You have the possibility to create your own goals or to start with predefined templates. You can extend the templates as needed and adapt them to your ideas.
Key figures
- Flexible key figures construction kit
- Different types of key figures
- Individual data origin
- External data sources (e.g. Google Sheets, CSV exports via iCloud or Dropbox, any web services)
Create key figures for your goals to measure progress. Adapt them flexibly to your needs. Use existing data sources like CSV exports from your Excel or Numbers documents for easy and automated tracking or enter the data directly in the app.

Key figures
- Flexible key figures construction kit
- Different types of key figures
- Individual data origin
- External data sources (e.g. Google Sheets, CSV exports via iCloud or Dropbox, any web services)
Create key figures for your goals to measure progress. Adapt them flexibly to your needs. Use existing data sources like CSV exports from your Excel or Numbers documents for easy and automated tracking or enter the data directly in the app.

Visualization & predictions
- Statistics and analyses
- Predictions for key figures
- Views for goals and key figures
- Apple Watch App
Graphical analyses and representations give you an overall view of your goals. See at a glance how you are getting closer to your goals step by step. Use your smartphone and the Apple Watch. Based on your existing data, predictions show you how your key figures will develop and when you are likely to reach your goals.
- Recent changes in the values
- Summary of the development of your key figures
The history shows you every new change that occurs in your key figures. You thus get a clear summary of the most recent developments of your values as well as their percentage impact.

- Recent changes in the values
- Summary of the development of your key figures
The history shows you every new change that occurs in your key figures. You thus get a clear summary of the most recent developments of your values as well as their percentage impact.

- Tasks and ideas for your goals
- Integration of iOS reminders
- Manage reminders via the iOS reminders app
Create tasks and ideas related to your goals. A list with the name of your goal will be created, which can also be managed via the iOS Reminders app (iPhone and Apple Watch).
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My online business
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Predictions for your key figures
Our new How-To article explains how the predictions feature works and what information you get. With version 1.90 this feature is now available. You can find the prediction in the detail view of each key figure. Benefit Our goal was to develop a tool that shows you if...